Indulgences: The LadyMany ladies love a cigar just as much as a gentlemen. This one goes out to all you SOTLs (Sisters of the Leaf)She's all done!Draw it outStart paintingFill in that cigar!Get that texture inAdd in some highlightsThe color palette #LujCigar #Paint #PopArt #AbstractArt #Art #TheIngulgery #TheArthouse #Cigar #Painting
Many ladies love a cigar just as much as a gentlemen. This one goes out to all you SOTLs (Sisters of the Leaf)She's all done!Draw it outStart paintingFill in that cigar!Get that texture inAdd in some highlightsThe color palette #LujCigar #Paint #PopArt #AbstractArt #Art #TheIngulgery #TheArthouse #Cigar #Painting